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Achieve Node.js Server with JavaScript Servlets

Achieve is a modern (http, https, http2) web server that runs on Node.js and uses JavaScript Servlets to initiate back end processing. (npm, github) JS Servlets are fast, very easy to use, and do not limit your ability to develop sophisticated back end applications; perfect for rapid development of microservices or complete Node.js based web applications. You can even use it just to serve web pages.

Some Servlet features: The servlet container handles text responses. You simply send a result back using a return statement in the servlet. When you change your back end programs, they are automatically reloaded. No need to restart the server every time you make a change. If there is an error in your application code, you receive a very informative error message - without crashing the server. When using XHR, error messages can be displayed in the browser's inspector-console just as errors in browser code do.

You can also take control of the response via the Servlet Session to, for example, set headers and return blobs.

Achieve is easy to install and run. No dependencies. Requires Node.js v8.1 or later. (Developed / tested with v8.9.4)

This is a quick-start guide. If you need more help getting started, from using localhost and local IP addresses to obtaining security certificates and forwarding ports, click here.

From beginners:

To advanced users:

Regular HTTP/S features:

Special Features:

Quick Start Tutorial

First: Install Node.js (LTS recommended), version 8.1 or later.

Running Achieve (simplest form):

const server = require('achieve');
server.listen();  // defaults to port 80 .. change it to something else if you wish
Copy the code above and save it to a directory that will serve as the root for your applications. You can call the file server1.js.
If you need to use a port other than 80, include the port number as an argument to the listen() method. (exp: server.listen(8989);)

Open a command window (cmd) and cd into your application directory (where the code above is saved). On the command line, type the following:

npm install achieve

At the end of npm's actions and commentaries, you should get something like this:

    added 1 package in 7.281s

Start the server:

Type "node server1" (assuming you named the file server1.js). You should get a response:

You are ready to serve static content. (html, css, javascript for browser) We will do that in a minute. Let's start instead with a simple example of a JavaScript Servlet.

Hello World Servlet:

// Save this code in file index.js in the apps directory ("application base" - directory where you are running the server)
exports.servlet = function (session) { return "Hello World!"; // Achieve handles the response. }

In your browser's address bar, enter http://localhost:8989 (assuming port 8989). The text "Hello World!" should appear. Now, without restarting the server; change the text in your servlet to, for example; "Hello There World!" Refresh the page. Achieve will detect a change and reload the file. Servlet caching works pretty much the same way browser caching works. The cached version will be used as long as the file hasn't been changed.

When the file name is not given in the URL, Achieve searches for index.html, index.htm, and index.js; in that order. If it uses index.js, it will run the servlet on the server and return the result. You can achieve the same result by giving the name of any JavaScript Servlet file without the .js extension. In this case: http://localhost:8989/index Including the .js extension corresponds to a browser's request for a resource. http://localhost:8989/index.js will serve the file instead of running it.

Achieve will also return helpful error messages to your browser's console. First, let's receive an error message to the page. Modify your servlet to cause an error by deleting a few characters from the end of the return statement: return "Hello World. Refresh the page.

To see how to receive error message in the browser's console, save this HTML file and save it to your apps directory as index.htm. (Note that it presumes that your servlet file name is index.js) Open the inspector in your browser and click on the console tab. Then reload http://localhost:8989 On the browser side, the trick is in the callback() function. If the response status is not 200: console.error(this.responseText); This is a feature supported by Achieve. Note also that the URL specified in function runServlet() is "index", without the .js extension.

Access parameter values that were sent with the request:

    var myParm = session.parms.myParm;  // or
    var myParm = session.parms['myParm'];

Running Achieve with options:

const server = require('achieve');

server.setAppPath("c:/myachieve/myapps");                // set root directory for all applications
server.setRootDir('root');                               // set a subdirectory under the root directory for THE ROOT application
server.setCaching(true);                                 // turn browser caching support on
server.setCompress(true);                                // compress static resources
server.showMimeTypes();                                  // Show the current list of supported Mime Types
server.addMimeType("pub","application/x-mspublisher");   // add an unsupported MIME type
server.addAVMimeType("wav","audio/wav");                 // add an unsupported AV MIME type
server.setNodeEnv("development");                        // set Node environment 

server.listen(8989);  // listens on port 8989

Servlets can use other functions:

exports.servlet = function (session)  {
  return hello();
function hello ()  {
   return "Hello World!";

Servlets can use functions in other files.

// in otherfile.js
exports.hello () {
  Return "Hello World!";

// in myservlet.js
exports.servlet = function (session) {
  var other = session.load("otherfile.js");  // Extends servlet features to otherfile; reloads if cache is stale.
  return other.hello();

The Servlet Session

You can use the Servlet Session to take control of your back end process. The Servlet Session contains:

  session.request    // The session request object.
  session.response   // The session response object.
  session.parms      // Parameters sent with the request
  session.dirPath    // The current application path on your computer
  session.load       // The JavaScript Servlet load() method (see above)
  session.allowAsync // Set to true if you handle the response in an asynchronous process.

Achieve HTTPS:

Using HTTPS on Achieve is actually quite simple. It shares configuration set-ups with Achieve HTTP. The difference is in the listen methods. Achieve HTTPS has its own, called slisten(). slisten() requires a JSObject as input, which lists your security certificates. Security certificates, and how to obtain them (cost free) is explained on the help page.

Running Achieve HTTPS (simplest form):

  const server = require('achieve');
  const fs = require('fs');

  const options = {  // An easy way to acquire free certificates is explained in the beginner's tutorial.
    key: fs.readFileSync('C:/certs/private.key'),   // For certificate files that have been placed in C:/certs/
    ca: fs.readFileSync('C:/certs/bundle.crt'),     // optional, provides "full chain" of certificates
    cert: fs.readFileSync('C:/certs/certificate.crt')
Port 443 is the default port for HTTPS. If you need to use a different port, add the port number to the options object.

  const options = {
    key: fs.readFileSync('C:/certs/private.key'),
    ca: fs.readFileSync('C:/certs/bundle.crt'),   // optional
    cert: fs.readFileSync('C:/certs/certificate.crt'),
    httpsPort: 7777

Achieve HTTP2:

Using HTTP2 on Achieve is also easy. It shares configuration set-ups with Achieve HTTP/S. It also has its own listen method - listen2(). You may use HTTP2 without encryption and without security certificates. Simply follow instructions for HTTP above, but using .listen2() rather than .listen(). Note however that browsers are not accepting unencrypted traffic on HTTP2. If your target client is a web browser, or if you need secure connections with other clients, follow the instructions for HTTPS above (using .listen2()), but with the port property name http2Port. Achieve HTTP2 requires Node.js v10.16.0 or higher.

TO DO List
