HLL XPL Parser, Developers Version Give Away

HLL is a small project, focused on developing tools and components for software development. We do not have a large marketing budget and we want some "word of mouth advertising". To better introduce the XPL Parser, we've decided to give away developers versions. (Ordinary price: $29.95.) If you decide to apply, your (estimated) chances are very good that you will receive a free copy. We want people to look, learn, and try XPL. But this is not a free-trial offer. The software is the same version as the paid version and is under the same license as if you pay for it.

To receive a free copy, we want you to write a very brief proposal about how you will use it. You do not need to provide your secret technical details and HLL will have no rights to what you create. The proposal, in very few words, must clearly demonstrate two things: That you know what XPL is and that your idea is appropriate for its use. That takes care of the first two parts of the purpose of the give-away mentioned above: You've looked and you've learned. Your free copy will allow you to try it.

Aside from building an interesting application that will make you billions of dollars and secure your place in software history, we also hope that once you've tried XPL, you will tell others about it. Extra points for mentioning how you're going to do that and letting us know that you don't mind if we use your project as an example in advertising. Feel free to tell lots of people about this offer too. The more the merrier.

Proposals can be as short as a half page. You only need to clearly show that you know what XPL is and that your idea is appropriate for its use. I will personally judge the proposals. I understand what XPL is and you can be brief in demonstrating that you do. Be clear about how / why XPL fits your application. I'm not an expert in everything, but should get the connection if you tell me what it is.

Add a short bio that includes your name, address, email something about you and software and keep the whole thing under one page.

Send your entry in OpenOffice, MS Office, or PDF to project@hll.nu

This offer will close whenever I decide to close it, but I will leave one week for new applications to arrive, so that if you're reading this on the HLL website, you will still get consideration as long as you send your proposal within one week.

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Roger F. Gay