Privacy Policy : GDPR

The operator of this website:, is referred to as HLL.

If you have registered with this website or given your email address when making a purchase or donation, the information you gave has been stored by HLL.

That information is not being shared with others. HLL may use that information to contact you regarding updates and product information.

It is the intention of HLL that you understand the intended use of your private information at the time that you provide it.

If you make a purchase or donation, your private information is being processed independently by a responsible third party. The payment transfer organization may return partial information to HLL in order to confirm that you have made a payment and to facilitate or enable the delivery of products and services by HLL.

HLL may make use of any contact information it has in order to provide information on products and services.

If you have provided personal information and would like it removed from our storage, send a request to